Look Backwards to Go Forwards: It's Retro Time
Running a good retrospective is hard. Running a good retrospective when you can't all gather in person is harder. Come and find out how to do it from someone who has done it well.
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I want a ticket!Are you happy with every aspect of how you develop software?
- Is it clear what you should be doing?
- Do you understand why your job needs to be done?
- Are your team mates a delight to work with?
- Are you getting the best use out of your tools?
- What could (or should) you be doing differently?
- Does everyone you work with have the same answer to these questions?
All these questions, and more, can be answered in a retrospective: a structured discussion about how you go about your work and what you could do to improve.
In this talk I'll discuss:
- What a retrospective is
- How I run a good retrospective
- Digital tools for when you can't gather in person

Peter is a Senior Engineering Manager at Expedia Group. He has been a software professional for 20 years and in that time has written software that allowed people with vision impairments to vote secretly, ensured a steady supply of croissants, and used lasers to send people places with chainsaws, among many other projects. His professional experience is mostly with Java and he prefers Python for personal projects.