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All the things I learnt as a junior developer (so you don't have to)

Sunday 2:50 PM–3:20 PM in Hall C

Being a junior developer is scary. But what should you do to make sure your junior developer journey is productive? My talk will give you some career advice that you can take, or pass to your juniors - through the lens of all the lessons and mistakes I've done.

(At least it'll be better than Googling the answer.)

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Regardless from where you start - either as a newly-minted graduate from a university, a person who finished as a bootcamp course, or self-taught - starting out in this industry can be complex, confusing, and scary.

However, many juniors encounter the same set of common issues and pitfalls: how to level up in this industry, how not to burn yourself out, and what should they be looking for at a company. This talk will answer some of those common answers through all the lessons, mistakes and regrets I made during my time as a junior developer.

This talk is for those who are starting out, knows someone who is starting out and don't have all the answers, or just want to learn from someone's misadventures in the tech industry.

Terence Huynh he/him • @terence@melb.social • @terencehuynh

Terence Huynh is a full-stack Software Engineer and Tech Blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.

He is currently working as a Software Engineer at Atlassian, the company that makes tools like Jira, Trello and Confluence used by thousands of teams and companies worldwide. He previously worked at one of Australia's largest banks.

In addition, he is the founder and organiser of UNIHACK, Australia's premier hackathon for university students. Since its founding in 2014, UNIHACK has set the standard for university hackathons in Australia and New Zealand. It has also empowered students to showcase ideas that are inspirational and imaginative.

Terence Huynh is also a speaker and a writer, focusing on web technologies, career development and tech industry issues.