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How to build a unit testing library from scratch?

Sunday 11:55 AM–12:25 PM in Hall A

Have you ever used Pytest? Have you ever wondered what happens when you run pytest over your tests folder, create parametrized test cases, or use fixtures?

In this talk, we will find answers to all these by building our own testing library. By the end of this talk, you will have a solid understanding of reverse engineering and how internals of a testing library can be designed

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This talk will explore how to build a testing library from scratch.

  1. Introduction to Pytest and its features - 5 mins
  2. Building Test runners - 5 mins
  3. Building a parametrized test case handler - 8 mins
  4. Building a fixture handler - 8 mins
  5. End note - 5 mins

By the end of this talk, you will have a solid understanding of reverse engineering and building a testing library from scratch.

Bhavani Ravi She/Her • BhavaniRavi_

Bhavani Ravi is an independent software consultant building Python-based backend, Devops, and Data systems. She also teaches Python via an online month-long bootcamp. She is an opensource enthusiast and has contributed to Pandas and Apache Airflow.