Our Connected Universe
Every day, billions and billions of bytes fly around between systems sharing data, and as technologists it’s our job to build and manage these systems. “Our Connected Universe” is a track dedicated to the exploration and celebration of how data drives our world, and the APIs and architectures that make it all possible.
The Our Connected Universe track is co-organised by Jack Skinner and Chris Watt.
- Thar Be Dragons - Ethical, Legal, and Policy Challenges when Measuring Open Source by amanda casari
- From Data to Decision: Monitoring and Improving Water Networks using AI/ML by Ram Balachandran
- Diagnostics - Seeing Inside Your Application Without Logging by Jeremy Rotstein
- Testing asynchronous applications with FastAPI and pytest by Jeny Sadadia
- Our Connected Universe Closing Address by Jack Skinner and Chris (Teknetia)
- Using Python to stream media using GStreamer for WebRTC and RTSP applications by Andy Gelme
- Building health software on decentralised health data using Personal Online Datastores by Jess Moore and Anushka Vidanage
- Using Python and 19,200 bits/second serial links to manage antennae for the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope in Australia by Andrew Williams
- The Hidden Unity of APIs and Event Streams by Saul Caganoff